Overeating is a symptom, nothing else.

And the solution to break this pattern is to look at the root cause(s).
If you’re the type that always needs a meal plan or to know exactly what to eat and when in order to stay on track, then you’re missing one crucial part.
Being in tune with your natural ‘food voice’ ...
This is the one that tells you what you really want and need, you could also call it your intuitive food voice. It knows both what you need in terms of nutrition and it knows when you really just want to eat something because it’s fun or because it tastes good but you own it because you’re in control so there’s no shame or guilt afterwards, and you also know when to stop eating. This is a biggie!
Today I invite you to consider that overeating (even good food) and craving ‘junk food’ and sweets is a symptom that you are not in tune with your actual needs. And …
... instead you’re too used to listening to your ‘food noise’
That nagging negative trail of thoughts that tells you that you ‘shouldn’t have that or that you’re ‘bad for giving in’, always second-guessing yourself and feeling guilty around food so you skip meals to try and make up for it followed by giving in to cravings when you get too ravenous.
Your ‘food noise’ is you battling with yourself because deep down you don't trust yourself to make good decisions or that you can stick with them.
And the way out is to take a step back from it all and ask yourself when that ‘disconnect’ was introduced to your life.
When did you stop trusting yourself?

This last year and a half has been a trigger for many to stress-eat, comfort eat, boredom eat, but if you’re really honest with yourself, did perhaps this behaviour or coping mechanism start way before 2020?
If the answer is yes, then ask yourself when is the first time you can remember relying on food to feel better or sometimes even feel less?
If you CAN remember when then acknowledge what was going on for you at that time in your life and what you felt you were ‘lacking’ in at that time.
If you can’t even remember when the chances are this stems back to childhood or adolescence. But even then, think back to as early as you can remember and ask how you felt in your childhood, and if there were any forms of unexpressed emotions that triggered you to eat or seek comfort in food. Or maybe you were just that child that was ‘hooked’ on sweet stuff early on and continued with this into adulthood.
To truly heal your relationship with food so that you learn to listen to your actual food voice you need to first understand and acknowledge the role that food has played in your life, for good and bad.
Does this resonate with you?

Ps. In the background is perhaps the most intuitive eater that I know! She will leave even two tiny spoonfuls of her favourite food on her plate if she's full.
Would you like to uncover the Unspoken Secrets of Letting Go of Stress-Eating so you can create a happier and healthier relationship with food and achieve lasting results?
Then go ahead and download my free guide here.